Mini Boot Camp
Mini Boot Camp will be back possibly in 2025. Contact us to be added to our mailing list for our intensive 4-day workshop that teaches you the theory of our working minis - Equine Guided Interactions (EGI) and all about starting up and successfully running/maintaining a 501c3 non-profit. We also assist you in the paperwork for Form 1023 online and State registration. Email info@minisandfriends.org to receive application and tuition costs for Mini Boot Camp and to reserve your spot today! No more than 8 applicants at any Boot Camp which allows plenty of Hands-On time for everyone!. This session is for those who want to do the full package; learning to work with their minis in their communities using our technique of Equine Guided Interactions (EGI), Form 1023 assistance (501c3 paperwork), learn about everything you need to know to keep your non-profit up and running – fundraising, grants, scheduling, program development, media, social media, website, insurance, volunteers and keeping them motivated and much more. Take home a workbook full of tried and tested forms, letters, helpful information, and a memory stick too! This Camp also gives lifetime support to your non-profit.
All Applications will be reviewed by our Board of Directors. If you have been working with your minis in the community for years - this is probably not the Mini-Camp for you. This Mini Boot Camp is designed for those wanting to start-up a 501c3 and how to maintain and keep it running year after year and for learning about working with your mini/s in the community. Minis and Friends have their own technique called "Equine Guided Interactions" which we are working on this to become standardized.
Boot Camp Pre-Requisites:
You must own miniature horses or be familiar with horses
You must come to Austin for the hands-on training
You must pay 1/2 down before you come; by Paypal available on this site or by check
You must turn in your paperwork for Form 1023 assistance with your non-profit one (1) week before the workshop
You must be prepared to work hard and ask questions - we want you to go home and succeed (this is not a vacation and our days are long)
What You Will Learn:
Learn the basics of Equine Guided Interactions (EGI)
Horse workshops (possible speakers):
Guest Speaker Tony Greaves, Little America Miniature Horses - we are honored to have Tony Greaves of Little America Miniature Horses join us as our Guest Speaker about Miniature Horses with a Q & A section.
Guest Speaker - Al and Lisa Barton - Al is a retired veterinarian and he and his wife Lisa are former mini-owners for Minis and Friends. We are delighted to have them join us for boot camp and to speak about the health, caretaking, teeth, differences of mares and geldings, and lots more.
Equine Guided Interactions (EGI). You will learn our theory to work with your minis to prepare them for a visit/event. If you decide to use our method on returning home, we ask that you follow it to the tee, or most welcome to create your own method. You will be using EGI at all visits we attend at the workshop. If using EGI we request you use it according to the Visual Aid Volunteer book you will receive (proprietary information). Or develop your own!
Participate in hands-on visits to an elementary school (life skills/special education) and residential facility and nursing home for adults to seniors with intellectual and other disabilities to practice working in the community
Receive our Mini-Assessment - how to prepare your minis to visit in the community!
Learn how to start up a 501c3 non-profit organization from start to finish
Learn about fundraising, media, marketing, foundations, and grant writing
Receive a flash drive full of useful letters, email templates, instructions of tried "what works"
Receive information on the importance of a Website, Blog and social networking internet building - we will discuss the how-to's and software and opportunities to have a website developed on Wix (lesson 101)
Receive a Certificate of Completion of the Workshop that you have gone through EGI training and completion of the Workshop
For more information on Mini Boot Camp: info@minisandfriends.org