Volunteering with Minis and Friends
We always need new volunteers to join our family of friends. We do have strict guidelines and we feel it is a privilege to work with the little horses and the mini team. If you would like to join us, please read the below, download the application and email us at minisandfriendsvolunteers@gmail.com with your interest. We will send you detailed information with our mini brochure, our Visits FAQ, and other interesting info about our non-profit. (Note: Training Classes approx 2 hours - occurs quarterly with 4 or more new volunteers).
You must have an APPROVED application on file. All applications are reviewed by our Board of Directors
Our minimum volunteer age is 16 with parent (many facilities require volunteers to be at least 16years old, regardless of a parent being present). Clarification of AGE-RESTRICTED will show on the calendar (NO EXCEPTION).
If you are 70 or more, we have opportunities but not as a Mini-Handler - safety for you! Join a mini-team as the observer, a very important part to assure all of the visits goes well.
Mini-Handler Requirements - you must be physically fit to handle a miniature horse of 100 - 220# in all situations. The minis may be small but they are strong. This is our most popular position - but we need to let you know beforehand - that Safety is #1 in Minis and Friends
Please be aware that working with the minis is physically challenging. Mini handlers must be able to stand for long periods of time as well as have excellent balance. Your work as a handler requires agility to move alongside the mini while walking as well as move quickly when changing positions during a close-up interaction with those we visit. We ensure the safety of both the minis as well as our volunteers or the reverse at all times and this has given us a fantastic reputation for being "safety first" when we work with the little horse therapists.
We have many positions in Minis and Friends - take a look and select those that interest you - if you think of something not there - let us know! We love creativity! If you are more virtual or not hands-on - you would need to only attend 1 visit a month so you know what is happening in the organization. At fundraising events for instance - the minis are always there to spend time with them :)
We require 1-2 visits PER MONTH to remain an active ADULT volunteer (approx. 6 - 8 hrs per month). As soon as we are working 4 visits each month requirements will go back to 2 visits per month.
If you are on vacation or Out of Town when visits are scheduled, you must notify us on the Volunteer FACEBOOK page.
A $25 Admin donation will be requested to cover your volunteer packet and logo t-shirt. Your logo t-shirt will be given to you at class. After attending 3 visits, we will give you an awesome Minis and Friends fanny bag to wear at visits (please leave keys, purse in your car). After 4 visits we will present you with a volunteer badge.
FACEBOOK: Our communication tool is a FACEBOOK Secret Group - you must be able to communicate with us using Facebook to participate as a team member
We do not have seasonal volunteers (meaning just summer volunteers). The little horses must know the people working with them long term. No Exceptions.
We do not accept court-ordered volunteers - so please be aware.
NOTE: If you come to training and then do not come to the required amount of visits, we move you to Inactive. We must know who we can depend on. If you are a new volunteer, please plan to attend a visit, preferably an EGI visit as practice makes perfect. To rejoin, one would need to come through training again and commit to doing visits.
![]() Vibra April.jpg | ![]() Rocky.jpg |
![]() Dana_edited.jpg | ![]() SeanMonet.jpg |
![]() MasterCard with Gil.jpg | ![]() DSCF0890.JPG |
![]() DSCF1058.JPG | ![]() SweeetPea.jpg |
![]() Walking with a mini! | ![]() DSC_2420.jpg |
![]() Team at Silverado |